MSKCC Stern Fellowship in Global Oncology Research

MSKCC Stern Fellowship in Global Oncology Research



Cancer is a rapidly growing problem in LMIC. Outcomes for cancer patients are poor. MSKCC’s Global Cancer Disparities Initiatives (GCDI) program partners with physicians and scientists across multiple disciplines in LMIC to improve outcomes for cancer patients. GCDI is primarily centered around a longstanding collaboration in Nigeria with Obafemi Awolowo University Teaching Hospital Complex (OAUTHC) and the African Research Group for Oncology (ARGO), a collaborative consortium co-founded by MSKCC-GCDI and OAUTHC. The consortium now includes 30 institutions across Nigeria. This fellowship will be offered to physicians and scientists enrolled in North American training programs across all fields of medicine who are interested in a career in global oncology research.


To train current or recently graduated US or Canadian residents or PhD students in global oncology research and how to collaborate with LMIC cancer researchers. The goal of the fellowship is to help develop a strong foundation in clinical research that is vital for generating appropriate global cancer research questions. This Fellowship will link new US and Nigerian investigators and expand collaborative research opportunities while encouraging career paths in global oncology research in North America.

Length of Program

One year

Eligibility Criteria

Enrolled in or within two years of completing a residency training program or PhD program in the U.S. or Canada.

Fellowship Structure

This is a one-year research fellowship. It will run concurrent with the academic training year beginning in July and ending in June. Start date may be flexible at the discretion of the program director. Fellows will spend three months working with MSK faculty and staff (a combination of remote and in-person work) followed by nine months in Nigeria assisting with field work of on-going studies, such as GCDI’s NIH-funded R01 case control study of colorectal cancer (CRC) risk factors and UH3 CRC Screening studies. While at MSK the research Fellow will receive mentored training (with a physician from the appropriate field/discipline) relevant to conducting field research, including research ethics in global health, cultural humility, survey design, unbiased interviewing techniques, data collection, and biological sample collection, processing and storage. Additional mentorship will also be provided focusing on cancer epidemiologic evaluation of risk factors, such as diet, exercise, and family history. Fellows will be assigned a mentorship committee with both a Nigerian and non-Nigerian mentor.

How To Apply

Please submit the following by December 1:

  1. Copy of CV
  2. Personal Statement (700 words) addressing your interest in global oncology research, how you will benefit from this Fellowship and your background and qualifications.
  3. Two letters of recommendation addressed to Dr. T. Peter Kingham.

Material should be submitted via email to:

Global Cancer Disparities Initiatives (GCDI) Program
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
1275 York Avenue
New York, NY 10065

T. Peter Kingham, MD, FACS-Program Director 

Victoria Mango, MD, FSBI – Assistant Program Director

Kate Randolph, GCDI Program Manager