My research lies at the intersection of medical physics and radiochemistry, where the common theme is to deepen our understanding of radiation and radiopharmaceutical interactions within biological systems. Drawing on insights from these disciplines, my work aims to enhance clinical care in nuclear medicine and molecular imaging, improving diagnostic and therapeutic strategies. One key focus is on advancing methodologies and software for personalized nuclear medicine, aiming to tailor nuclear medicine treatments or imaging toward individual patient needs. Within that context, a significant emphasis area is on improving personalized dosimetry. Other research areas I have contributed to include dosimetric uncertainty assessment, computational phantom development, radiation protection dosimetry, radiopharmaceutical development and translation, PET imaging of non-standard positron emitters, and development of novel imaging techniques.
My clinical commitments involve supporting and enhancing various aspects of patient care within the scope of the diagnostic nuclear medicine and theranostics programs. More specifically, I will also provide a key support role for the new total body PET systems in addition to scanner quality assurance, protocol management, and radionuclide dosimetry.