Zhigang Zhang, PhD

Associate Attending Biostatistician

Zhigang Zhang, PhD

Associate Attending Biostatistician
Zhigang Zhang, PhD


University of Missouri-Columbia

Current Research Interests

Dr. Zhang’s current research interests are in survival analysis, longitudinal data analysis and semiparametric inferences. In particular, he is interested in developing methodology for data subject to complicated censorship and/or truncation, which frequently arise in clinical trials and medical studies. He is also interested in statistical research aimed at clinical trials. Dr. Zhang collaborates with colleagues in the Department of Radiation Oncology, the Department of Medical Physics and the Neuroradiology Service.


Selected peer-reviewed publications:

  1. S. Liuquan and Z. Zhang (2009). A class of transformed mean residual life models with censored survival data. Journal of the American Statistical Association 104, 803-815.
  2. Z. Zhang (2009). Linear transformation models for interval-censored data: Prediction of survival probability and model checking. Statistical Modeling 9, 321-343.
  3. Z. Zhang, X. Zhao and L. Sun (2010). Goodness-of-fit tests for additive mean residual life model under right censoring. Lifetime Data Analysis 16, 385-408.
  4. L. Sun, X. Song and Z. Zhang (2012). Mean residual life models with time-dependent coefficients under right censoring. Biometrika 99, 185-197.
  5. Z. Zhang and Y. Zhao (2013). Empirical likelihood for linear transformation models with interval-censored failure time data. Journal of Multivariate Analysis 116, 398-409

Visit PubMed for a full listing of Zhigang Zhang’s journal articles

Pubmed is an online index of biomedical articles maintained by the U.S. National Library of Medicine and the National Institutes of Health.


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