Memorial Hospital Research Laboratories

The Veronica Rotemberg Lab


Veronica Rotemberg
Veronica Rotemberg, MD, PhD

The Dermatology Imaging Informatics Group is focused on developing, benchmarking, and validating artificial intelligence (AI) tools for dermatologic applications, especially melanoma detection. We are interested in model development, human-AI interaction, and prospective validation of image classification tools.  

We also develop and host large imaging datasets for dermatology AI research in collaboration with the International Skin Imaging Collaboration (ISIC). Through that work we develop, propose, and test imaging standards for interoperability, metadata standards for AI development and for dermatology clinical applications.   

We are delighted to work on these projects in collaboration with the dedicated physicians and scientists in the Dermatology Service at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center and Allan Halpern, MD, Chief, Dermatology Service.

Research Projects

The Veronica Rotemberg Lab group

Dr. Rotemberg (bottom row, center) and the Dermatology Imaging Informatics Group collaborate with Dr. Rajadhyaksha (bottom row, left) and the Optical Imaging Group in a joint lab meeting.

Publications Highlights

Combalia M*, Codella N*, Rotemberg V*, Carrera C, Dusza S, Gutman D, Helba B, Kittler H, Kurtansky NR, Liopyris K, Marchetti MA, Podlipnik S, Puig S, Rinner C, Tschandl P, Weber J, Halpern A, Malvehy J. Validation of artificial intelligence prediction models for skin cancer diagnosis using dermoscopy images: the 2019 International Skin Imaging Collaboration Grand Challenge. The Lancet Digital Health. 2022 May 1;4(5):e330–9.

Kentley J, Sun M, Dusza S, Halpern A, Rotemberg V “Accuracy of commercially available smartphone applications for the detection of melanoma” British Journal of Dermatology, In Press

Daneshjou R, Smith M, Sun M, Rotemberg V*, Zou J* “Lack of Transparency and Potential Bias in Artificial Intelligence Data Sets and Algorithms,” In Press, JAMA Dermatology

Rotemberg V, Kurtansky N, Betz-Stablein B, Caffery L, Chousakos E, Codella N, Combalia M, Dusza S, Guitera P, Gutman D, Halpern A, Helba B, Kittler H, Kose K, Langer S, Lioprys K, Malvehy J, Musthaq S, Nanda J, Reiter O, Shih G, Stratigos A, Tschandl P, Weber J, Soyer HP. “A Patient-Centric Dataset of Images and Metadata for Identifying Melanomas Using Clinical Context.” Scientific Data 8(1):34 (2021) doi: 10.1038/s41597-021-00815-z.


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Veronica Rotemberg

Veronica Rotemberg, MD, PhD

  • Physician-scientist Veronica Rotemberg studies imaging standards and artificial intelligence (AI) for dermatology applications.
  • MD, Duke University School of Medicine
  • PhD, Duke University Department of Biomedical Engineering
Email Address


Maura Gillis
Nicholas Kurtansky
Nicholas Kurtansky

Data Analyst

Thi Pham
Thi Pham

Data Analyst

Jochen Weber
Jochen Weber

Senior Data Analyst

Vanessa Weir


Lab Alumni
Emily Cowen
Emily Cowen

Research Fellow

Lilly Gu
Lilly Gu

Research Fellow

Jonathan Kentley
Jonathan Kentley

Research Fellow

Paras Mehta

Research Fellow

Yuna Oh

Research Fellow

Ofer Reiter

Research Fellow

Trina Salvador

Research Fellow

Lab Affiliations


  • Harry J Lloyd Charitable Trust award “Prospective Validation of an Open Source Artificial Intelligence Algorithm for Melanoma Diagnosis” (2021-2022)
  • Michael Ferro Foundation Young Investigator Award, Melanoma Research Alliance (2019-2022)
  • Mentor on: Numerous medical Student Awards for research fellows: Society of Pediatric Dermatology Medical Student Award, Melanoma Research Foundation
  • WCM CTSC KL2 (2021-2023)

Open Positions

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MSK requires doctors and faculty members to report (“disclose”) the relationships and financial interests they have with external entities. As a commitment to transparency with our community, we make that information available to the public.

Veronica Rotemberg discloses the following relationships and financial interests:

  • EXCITE International
    Professional Services and Activities
  • Inhabit Brands, Inc.
    Equity; Professional Services and Activities (Uncompensated)

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