Grievance Policy

Grievance Policy


If at any time during the program a student has a complaint or feels that an unfair decision has been made or has concerns with how the program is implementing the JRCERT standards, the student has the right to voice the complaint or petition the decision. The following procedure shall be followed:

The student should contact the Program Director for resolution. The Program Director will meet with the student within two weeks of notification and will issue a ruling within 5 business days of meeting with the student.

If the student wishes to appeal the decision by the Program Director, the student will submit a written grievance to the Advisory Committee within 5 business days.

The Advisory Committee will convene within 10 business days, to review the information and decide on the procedure for resolving the problem. Five Advisory Committee members shall constitute a quorum at meetings to resolve a grievance. In the event of a suspension or dismissal, the grievance procedure will be expedited so that a resolution will be attained as soon as possible. The student representative is not to be present at grievance procedures.

The student will receive written notice of the decision within 5 business days of the meeting.

A student may also appeal the decision of the Advisory Committee, in writing within 5 business days, to a designated hospital administrator outside the radiation oncology department. The decision of said administrator will be binding. Assigned administrator will issue a ruling on the grievance within 5 business days.

A student may also file a complaint with the State Education Department. Students who feel that the program is not in compliance with the JRCERT Standards may call or write to the JRCERT at 20 N. Wacker Drive, Suite 2850, Chicago, Il 60606-3182, Tel. (312) 704-5300, E-mail:

No adverse action will be taken against a student for filing a complaint.