The Center for Experimental Therapeutics has provided the resources to expand and enhance Memorial Sloan Kettering’s drug discovery and development program from the bench to the bedside.
By funding important new studies and by encouraging collaborations to facilitate translational research, the goals of this Center can be achieved.
If you have an interest in supporting this endeavor, or would like to obtain further information about the Center for Experimental Therapeutics, please contact:
Center for Experimental Therapeutics
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, Box 115
1275 York Avenue
New York, NY 10065
Note: The Center for Experimental Therapeutics is unable to answer questions regarding open clinical trials or access to clinical trials. Please see Find A Clinical Trial for continually updated descriptions of our clinical trials. If you are seeking treatment at Memorial Sloan Kettering, please see How to Make an Appointment for information on how to contact our referral specialists.